School equipment for NPH Nicaragua children



Project “Educando con amor”

Project context

Since 1194, NPH Nicaragua has cared for more than 1,000 children and teenagers, offering them education and support in their development.

The “Casa Padre Wasson“, established since 2010 in the Santa Teresa locality, brings a comprehensive care to its residents:

  • Offer comprehensive support to children from difficult backgrounds, contributing to their personal, emotional and social development. This results in a positive change in their lifestyle.
  • Provide specific care for disabled children and adolescents, promoting their well-being and inclusion in the community.
  • Facilitate the adaptation process of children and adolescents in the objective of their family reintegration. By providing resources, psychosocial support and promoting their participation in community activities.
  • Provide access to education to children from neighbouring communities, through monthly financial assistance, uniforms and school supplies.
  • Support young people through high school and university schooling. Providing them tools and resources to prepare themselves for an autonomous and independent life, and ease their integration into society.

Project details:

The “Educando con amor” project, aims to provide quality education to the children in NPH Nicaragua.

Its objectives are:

  • To provide the classroom materials and textbooks needed for students to learn properly and to ensure their presence in classes.
  • To bring teachers new teaching materials that enable them to apply innovative pedagogical strategies that promote students’ cognitive development.
  • To encourage students to enjoy studying thanks to adapted and renewed teaching materials.

This project directly benefits 201 students, aged 3 to 14, from kindergarten to ninth grade, as well as 10 teachers, who will improve the teaching process with new materials and methods.

Purchase of school supplies

Being well equipped is necessary to efficient learning

Providing textbooks

School Textbooks are expensive for students in vulnerable communities

NPH Nicaragua home in a video

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